The Italian Mafia Makes An Alliance With ISIS And Is Now Selling
Weapons To Islamic Terrorists
The Italian Mafia Makes An Alliance With ISIS And Is Now Selling Weapons To Islamic Terrorists

The Italian mafia is now working with ISIS, selling them weapons that will help them continue their violence and bloodshed. According t...

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Muslims Present This Message For Christians: “To all Muslims: now is
the time to behead the unbelievers.”
Muslims Present This Message For Christians: “To all Muslims: now is the time to behead the unbelievers.”

In Germany, Christian refugees are being tormented by Muslim refugees. One Christian man in Germany has recalled seeing a sign on a doo...

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School Class Plans To Visit Mosque And Teen's Parents Object, The
School Reports Them To The Police And They Are Fined 300 Euros And The
Student Is Now Still Being Forced To Visit The Mosque
School Class Plans To Visit Mosque And Teen's Parents Object, The School Reports Them To The Police And They Are Fined 300 Euros And The Student Is Now Still Being Forced To Visit The Mosque

This has happened in America before - I have been covering this because as I have repeatedly said , the way to Islamization in the USA...

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Hundreds Of Muslims Wage Major Attack On Christians With Guns And
Machetes, They Slaughter And Chop To Pieces Forty Eight Christians
Hundreds Of Muslims Wage Major Attack On Christians With Guns And Machetes, They Slaughter And Chop To Pieces Forty Eight Christians

Hundreds of Muslims in Nigeria attacked Christians with guns and machetes, slaughtering and cutting to pieces forty-eight Christians. A...

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Evangelical Woman In Canada Demands That Christians Accept
Homosexuality And Islam, She Then Ruthlessly Murders Eight People And
Then Claims To Be Saved Through The Blood Of Jesus
Evangelical Woman In Canada Demands That Christians Accept Homosexuality And Islam, She Then Ruthlessly Murders Eight People And Then Claims To Be Saved Through The Blood Of Jesus

An Evangelical woman in Canada, named Bethe Wetlauffer, hates any Christians who go against homosexuality and Islam, and pushed for Chr...

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Muslim Man Crashes Wedding At Church, Walks Up To Statue Of Virgin Mary
And Starts Touching It In A Sexual Way, Then Screams 'Allahu Akbar' And
Begins To Destroy The Church
Muslim Man Crashes Wedding At Church, Walks Up To Statue Of Virgin Mary And Starts Touching It In A Sexual Way, Then Screams 'Allahu Akbar' And Begins To Destroy The Church

A demonically possessed Muslim ran into a Church during a wedding where he began destroying the Church and folding a statue of St. Mary...

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