Hurricane Matthew Is The Wrath Of God Poured Out On The Cities Of
Orlando And Savannah For Supporting The Evil Sodomites
Hurricane Matthew Is The Wrath Of God Poured Out On The Cities Of Orlando And Savannah For Supporting The Evil Sodomites

Hurricane Matthew is approaching the Florida Atlantic coast and is set to be the largest storm in almost a decade. Meteorologists, weat...

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Muslim Gang Demands Christian Family Convert To Islam, Family Says No,
Muslims Beat Them With Metal Bars, Kidnap Their Teenage Daughter And
Take Turns Raping Her
Muslim Gang Demands Christian Family Convert To Islam, Family Says No, Muslims Beat Them With Metal Bars, Kidnap Their Teenage Daughter And Take Turns Raping Her

For some time, local Muslims were demanding this family convert to Islam because they were the only non-Muslims in the neighborhood. Th...

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Muslim Man Rejects Islam, Finds The Catholic Faith And Declares It To
be The Truth
Muslim Man Rejects Islam, Finds The Catholic Faith And Declares It To be The Truth

A Muslim man from Iran and left Islam, only to ultimately find the Catholic Faith and declare it to be the truth. I did a whole video o...

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The American Government Suspends Justice Roy Moore For Standing Up For
Christianity, And For Refusing To Bow Down To The Homosexual Agenda And
Accept Homosexual "Marriage"
The American Government Suspends Justice Roy Moore For Standing Up For Christianity, And For Refusing To Bow Down To The Homosexual Agenda And Accept Homosexual "Marriage"

The American government has suspended Justice Roy Moore For refusing to bow down to the homosexual agenda and not accepting homosexual ...

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Obama Administration Tries To Copy Sweden, Proposes Plan For Americans
To "Adopt" And "Sponsor" Muslim Immigration To The USA
Obama Administration Tries To Copy Sweden, Proposes Plan For Americans To "Adopt" And "Sponsor" Muslim Immigration To The USA

In a new low reached by the Obama administration, he is working on a plan whereby US Citizens would be able to, just like Sweden, ...

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Small Michigan Town Council Votes NO To Mega Mosque, CAIR Sues Them And
Now The Justice Department Is Forcing The Town To Build The Mosque With
Taxpayer Dollars In Largest Settlement Ever
Small Michigan Town Council Votes NO To Mega Mosque, CAIR Sues Them And Now The Justice Department Is Forcing The Town To Build The Mosque With Taxpayer Dollars In Largest Settlement Ever

$1.7 Million Dollars- that is how much that Pittsfield Township, MI is being forced by the US Justice Department to pay a group of Musl...

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