Nazism Is Taking Over Germany, The Muslims And The Germans Are Working
Together To Cause Mass Violence That Will Spark Major War And Usher In
The Revived Nazi Empire That Will Slaughter Countless Christians
Nazism Is Taking Over Germany, The Muslims And The Germans Are Working Together To Cause Mass Violence That Will Spark Major War And Usher In The Revived Nazi Empire That Will Slaughter Countless Christians

Der Unsterblichen, or "the Immortals," hordes of Neo Nazis in Germany that have made huge crowds on the streets Years ago I h...

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Muslims Entered The Place Where Jesus Was Born, They Prayed To Allah
And Then Defecated All Over It, And The Vatican Gave The Muslims
Muslims Entered The Place Where Jesus Was Born, They Prayed To Allah And Then Defecated All Over It, And The Vatican Gave The Muslims Protection

Muslims terrorists praying in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem during the siege. The church was originally commissioned in 327 b...

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