The evil ISIS government has set the bar again for barbarity, this time taking six men accused of being spied and slowly boiling them to death in tar:Six people have been put to death by Isis – by being immersed in boiling vats of tar, it’s bee…
I Don't Know How American Christians Would Handle After School Satanist Clubs, But I Can Tell You Something About How Slavic Christians Would
In another disgusting act of blasphemy, satanist groups are now targeting children with after-school devil worshipping clubs:Taking advantage of a United States Supreme Court ruling from 2001 holding that schools that have a "limited public foru…

Marco Rubio Becomes An Agent For The Homosexual Agenda, Tells Christians To Stop Fighting The Homosexual Movement
Marco Rubio has become an agent for the homosexual agenda, and is now telling Christians to cease fighting the sodomite movement. I did a whole video on this: According to one report:Florida Senator Marco Rubio recently delivered a speech callin…
Police Officers In Scotland Walk Inside Of A House, All Of A Sudden The Lights Go On And Off, Objects Begin To Move By Themselves And Fly Across The Room. The Officers Are So Frightened That They Call In An Exorcist. Mass Demonic Possession Is On The Rise And Will Lead To The Ushering In Of Antichrist
Police officers in Scotland entered a home after a family called in on account of disturbing things happening inside the house. The officers themselves began to see disturbing things: the lights started going on and off and things began move on …
Is This New Alliance Between Russia, Turkey And Iran The Gog And Magog Alliance?
By Walid ShoebatLooking at the post Turkey coup, analysts think that Turkey's fork on the road has only two options: The first, is Turkey's attempt to ally with Russia for joint management in the region. We all have seen Erdogan and Putin finall…
New Poll Reveals Trump Will Smash Bobblehead Hillary Big Time
Polls only poll less than two thousand people and the media runs with it. So far they say Hillary is winning. But how about if we poll 100,000 people, does bobblehead Hillary win?Not at all says a smartphone app developer. Their results reveal t…