Muslim Man In France Carries A Chainsaw And Attacks Random Truck
Drivers, Truck Driver Makes This Warning Out To Europe: “There will be
deaths. Our drivers are threatened every night”
Muslim Man In France Carries A Chainsaw And Attacks Random Truck Drivers, Truck Driver Makes This Warning Out To Europe: “There will be deaths. Our drivers are threatened every night”

A Muslim man in Calais, France, wields a chainsaw and attacks random truck drivers. One truck driver has warned Europe:  “There will be...

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Police Officer In Washington DC Supports ISIS, Helps Muslim Terrorists
Communicate With Each Other So They Can Do Terrorist Attacks In The
United States
Police Officer In Washington DC Supports ISIS, Helps Muslim Terrorists Communicate With Each Other So They Can Do Terrorist Attacks In The United States

A police officer in Washington, D.C., named Nicholas Young, supported ISIS and was helping Islamic terrorists communicate with each oth...

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The Problem With Islam Is Islamic Theology And Nothing Else, And Yet
Many Christians Still Do Not Understand This
The Problem With Islam Is Islamic Theology And Nothing Else, And Yet Many Christians Still Do Not Understand This

Islam is a unique religion because it is the only one which explicitly denies Jesus' divinity as a part of its formal doctrine. No ...

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Muslim Gang Attacks Random British Man And Sets Him On Fire Just
Because They Can
Muslim Gang Attacks Random British Man And Sets Him On Fire Just Because They Can

It's not even safe for Europeans to walk their own streets any more. This man was minding his own business when a gang of Turks ran...

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The Government Of France Declares War On Islam, Shuts Down Twenty
Mosques, And Promises To Close Down More
The Government Of France Declares War On Islam, Shuts Down Twenty Mosques, And Promises To Close Down More

French police special forces The government of France shut down twenty mosques, and promised that more will be shut down in order to pr...

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Christian Pastor Tells Muslims That Islam Is A False Religion, Many
Muslims Reject Muhammad And Accept Christ. Five Muslims Grab The Pastor
And Stab Him To Death With A Sword
Christian Pastor Tells Muslims That Islam Is A False Religion, Many Muslims Reject Muhammad And Accept Christ. Five Muslims Grab The Pastor And Stab Him To Death With A Sword

A pastor in Uganda brought Muslims to Christ from his preaching. This angered many Muslims. One day, five Muslims took the pastor and m...

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