Satan Worshipper Takes Ten Year Old Girl, Stabs Thirteen Times, And After She Dies, He Takes His Knife And Licks The Blo...
Satan Worshipper Takes Ten Year Old Girl, Stabs Thirteen Times, And After She Dies, He Takes His Knife And Licks The Blo...

By Theodore Shoebat A Satan worshipper in South Africa stabbed to death a ten year old girl and then licked the blood of the blade. Here...

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SHOOTING IN KANSAS: Man Slaughters Three People With AK-47. What Was His Religion?
SHOOTING IN KANSAS: Man Slaughters Three People With AK-47. What Was His Religion?

Cedric Larry Ford, murderer of three people in Kansas By Theodore Shoebat A shooting in Kansas took place in which a man named Cedric...

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Brutal Satanic Ritual Takes Place In Houston, In Which A Satanist Takes A Sixteen Year Old Boy And Stabs Him To Death
Brutal Satanic Ritual Takes Place In Houston, In Which A Satanist Takes A Sixteen Year Old Boy And Stabs Him To Death

By Theodore Shoebat  A brutal satanic ritual took place in Houston in which a satanist named Edward O’Neal stabbed a 16 year old teen. ...

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Russia Slaughters Islamic Terrorists, And Obama States: “The fight against ISIL will remain difficult”
Russia Slaughters Islamic Terrorists, And Obama States: “The fight against ISIL will remain difficult”

By Theodore Shoebat  Russia continues to slaughter Islamic terrorists. Russian warplanes are continuing their bombardment against Islami...

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Pope Francis Tells Major Abortion And Euthanasia Advocate: You Are One Of The Nation’s “Forgotten Greats”
Pope Francis Tells Major Abortion And Euthanasia Advocate: You Are One Of The Nation’s “Forgotten Greats”

Pope Francis spoke of one of Italy’s most notorious advocates for abortion and euthanasia, Emma Bonino, saying that she is one of the nat...

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Why Facebook Really Wants You to Use Its New Reaction Buttons
Why Facebook Really Wants You to Use Its New Reaction Buttons

As usual, Facebook’s newest so-called ‘enhancement’ — the emoji reaction buttons meant to be alternatives to the much-maligned ‘like’ optio...

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