FRANCE: Another day, another savage attack by African Muslims on Christian girls in French subway
FRANCE: Another day, another savage attack by African Muslims on Christian girls in French subway

By BI: Get used to it. Wherever there is an infestation of Muslims, this kind of behavior skyrockets, because Muslim men consider ‘uncove...

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Still wondering why Bengali Muslims in Myanmar (Burma) are being forcibly driven out of the country?
Still wondering why Bengali Muslims in Myanmar (Burma) are being forcibly driven out of the country?

By BI:  Not sure exactly which country this is, Bangladesh, India, or Myanmar, but Bengali Muslims have decided that this Buddhist man ne...

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THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? (Viewer discretion advised)
THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON’T THEY? (Viewer discretion advised)

By BI: Yet another horrific example of Muslim animal abuse. Shooting a herd of horses and mules for what reason? Apparently, Muslims do i...

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AUSTRIA: Mother of 10-year-old boy who was raped by a Muslim ‘refugee’ in a swimming pool now regrets welcoming Muslim r...
AUSTRIA: Mother of 10-year-old boy who was raped by a Muslim ‘refugee’ in a swimming pool now regrets welcoming Muslim r...

By BI: Her son now has mental issues that likely will never go away. But despite this savage rape and the many sexual assault on girls an...

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MICHIGANISTAN: First Muslim-majority city in America should strike fear in the hearts of every American
MICHIGANISTAN: First Muslim-majority city in America should strike fear in the hearts of every American

By BI: In the state with the largest Muslim population in America, Hamtramck, near Detroit, has just elected a Muslim-majority city counc...

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Mounting Evidence Putin Will Ignite WWIII
Mounting Evidence Putin Will Ignite WWIII

Relations between Russia and Turkey have been dismal since late November, when a Turkish fighter jet shot down a Russian bomber on the bord...

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