For most of history, the roles of men and women in society correspond closely with their biological functions. Men are the “hunter-gatherers” who fight to provide for themselves and their families. Women are the “life-givers” who produce the next generation of humans and provide for them from the sustenance provided by men. While social roles are not biological in themselves, they generally emerge out of biological differences. It is why throughout history there have been jobs that were considered primarily those for men versus for women.
In the cases when the opposite happened, i.e. a man was in a job traditionally occupied by a woman or vice versa, it was (a) exceptional and/or usually (b) due to some kind of unique, extenuating circumstance. This is perfectly natural and can be mathematically demonstrated through a simple standard deviation model. When this is applied to human social life, it means that most people will fit into a few broadly-existing categories within an existing social structure with scattered exceptions.
Among the many problems that we face in society today, one of the most noticeable ones is that our society has established by social pressure and legal fiat laws and ideas that are contrary to basic human biology. One of the most pernicious of these lies is that women are equal to men in function and can perform all of the same tasks which men can to the same or greater capacity.
Note above that I said function. Women and men, as the Catholic Faith teaches, are equal in their dignity before God and their creation in the image and likeness of God. However, they are not at all equal in function
Muslim Sexual abuse
Muslims raping and otherwise sexually assaulting non-Muslim women is a story as old as Islamic history. It merely follows the example set by Muhammad in the Quran and explained through Islamic Sacred Tradition (Hadith) where he took many wives and as many sex slaves as “his right hand (could) possess,” and established this as an example for future generations of Muslims. This continued through the barbary pirates of North Africa, whose main commodity was not male slaves for work such as were the many Africans taken to work on the sugar, rice, and cotton plantations in the new world beginning in the late 16th century, but these were primarily European women and in other cases, young boys taken and sold into sex slavery in the harems of Muslim men who had the money to pay for such a “luxury.”
The sex slave trade was a notorious scourge throughout Europe, and was a primary source of income for many North African port cities such as Algiers, Bejaa, and Tunis. The European response to these slave traffickers were to either purchase these people from slavery, which was often done through a religious order such as the Trinitarians or the Mercedarians, or it was through military combat, i.e. fighting directly with pirates on the Mediterranean sea or conducting costal raids. The slaving was so pervasive that it did not finally enter terminal decline until the early 19th century when American marines forced the Ottoman Empire’s North African vassal, the Beg of Tripoli, at gunpoint to sign an agreement not to attack American ships. Even then, the Mediterranean slave trade continued through the late 19th century and was not stopped until then. The sex slavery of non-Muslims still continues, albeit now through the trafficking in primarily Eastern European and Asian women through land routes.
The sex slave trade, Muhammad’s theology, and the Muslim rape epidemic in Europe are all connected, in that the sex slave trade was born from the Mohammedan theology, and the rape epidemic in Europe is likewise the fruit of the application of Islamic teaching in society with nothing to confront it. While the sex slave trade in Europe was horrendous, it was mitigated at least in part by the efforts of Catholic men fighting for the sake of their women. This is not just because it is the moral and right thing to do, but because men fight– they fight for their families against attackers and others who would do harm- such as Muslims.
The feminist betrayal
The famous words “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” (spoken originally by Irina Dunn, NOT Gloria Steinem) may sound attractive but they are devoid of substance. What “need” is she referring to? Modern feminism has answered this question, and its answser is that women are equal in the ability to perform the same functions as men to the same degree as men, and the only hindrance they have is other men preventing them from realizing this, or the so-called “male oppression.” Men are the problem, and if they would just stop thinking they have a preferred role to play in society simply because they are men- i.e. “check your privelage”- then women would be able to ascend to and even surpass men in perfoming the same tasks with the same level of competency. Likewise, they will also say that men have shirked their responsibility towards women by assigning them “lesser” tasks on the basis of their gender- i.e. “oppression.” Therefore true equality between the sexes is realized by not only abolishing all boundaries between men and women, but by having women perform the tasks that men traditionally do and having men perform the tasks that women traditionally do.
International Women’s Day- First promoted by Russian Socialists, it is a long part of the socialist goal to subvert the natural roles of men and women in society- and is thus closely a part of modern feminism.
This is all like communism- it sounds great in theory but fails miserably in practice because these distinctions arise due to natural, inevitable processes which are not chosen. A man has high testosterone due to biological processes on account of his genetic makeup just as a woman has high estrogen levels for the same reasons. The distinctions are encoded into our very beings- they cannot be changed ever. Communism is destined to fail because it refuses to recognize the natural, inevitable distinctions that exist within society due to organic processes and by attempting to subvert those to fit its own will it actually does not eliminate distinctions but creates new ones against those which would naturally exist, only it calls them by a different name and places new people into the same existing places. Feminist though fails in this same way because it does not actually equalize biological roles- it just switches them and tries to stigmatize people who favor the traditional- natural – distintions between men and women.
This is a complete betrayal of men and women because, among many reasons, it forces them to make decisions about matter and behave in ways that are contrary to their nature. It would be as absurd as trying to put a leash on a cat and take it for a walk- cats do not have leashes because the nature of a cat is that is not only hates, but would not tolerate a leash. Likewise, it is not the nature of a dog to exists with complete independence from any “pack,” because by their very nature dogs are “pack” animals and function normally and best within one. What happens if you try to make a man into a woman or vice versa is just what would happen if you tried to leash a cat or isolate a dog from other animals is disorder because an environment and circumstances are being placed that force the person or animal to turn against its own nature. The inevitable result is always self-destruction.
The Rape Crisis
The Farmer and The Viper– One of Aesop’s Fables which clearly applies to Islam and the West
As I mentioned earlier, the Muslim rape crisis exists because it is a manifestation of the nature of Islam- Muslims raped non-Muslims because Islam said it was OK, and since Islam does not change, it is OK now to do the same as it was fourteen centuries ago for the same reasons. There is no questioning that these rapes are wrong and evil. However, it should come as no surprise that these rapes are happening because they simply manifest the natural fruit of Islam. You can deny that what is happening all you want – these are “radicals,” there are other “moderate Muslims” who don’t do this, the famous “Islam needs a reformation”- the excuses are endless. What cannot be denied is that all of the words spoken cannot change the basic teachings because like a man’s gender, the beliefs which Islam has instilled into its theological DNA allow for these rapes to happen. To change these beliefs would be to create a wholly new religion that is not Islam.
Islam cannot be reformed. It cannot be changed. Islam is Islam and will always be Islam. That is the great crime of these feminists who so ardently pushed for letting hordes of young Muslim men into Europe.
Feminists groups rejoiced at allowing these Muslim men come into Europe like a tidal wave. While one can only guess what they were thinking, there was undoubtedly among at least some of them the idea that these men can divorce their religion and culture they hold to from their actions and somehow be integrated into European society.
I suspect there were also many people who knew this was impossible and would not happen because of the irreconcilable differences between the two societies and as such, had ulterior motives for doing not. Nevertheless, people were shocked that these same men have embarked on an orgy of violence across Europe rivaling that which the Goths and Vandals did centuries ago.
Some people in Europe have said what I am saying right now- that the issue tied to the nature of Islam itself which is also deeply woven into the cultures from which these people came from. These same voices are being criticized as “racists,” others are being censored, and some even thrown in prison. Germany and Sweden have not been reporting Muslim violence, and in some cases are arresting or harassing the people who do report it and are often times the victims of it. Instead, they tout the view that not only are there any problems (or if there are, they are very few and only done by a small group of “radicals,” a claim which has been heartily disproven), but that the problem is in the European “oppression” of these people, who need to “liberated” by being given preferential treatment in society over the native Europeans and likewise the native Europeans suppressed. This is the feminist lie of universal equality juxtaposed into a social context- that all people are equal in function and any distinctions made- unless they are defined by the feminist ideologues- are manifestations of so-called oppression that have to be eliminated.
Women of Europe, do you want to know why your men are not defending you? It is because the feminist preachers and their complicit partners in academia, business, and government have promoted the feminist ideal at your expense. By favoring the biologically and socially unnatural ideas of a few ideologues who have risen to public prominence, they are destroying the ability of men in society to fight for your safety and security. The only thing they have liberated you from is the very defense mechanisms which God has established in a society and left you to fend for yourselves.
Why do men not “step up?” Well, consider the man’s perspective in the West. If you are a man and you are told for years that you are the problem and have little good to offer as opposed to that of a woman, and the society you live in constantly produces laws, declarations, and “social programs” which give women a clear legal and social advantage over you, what is your motivation to fight? What benefit is there? To rephrase it in terms of feminist logic- what benefit could a man offer a woman if he is inferior to woman in every way? Why can’t she fight off the Muslim invaders- because obviously she knew what she was doing when she invited them into the country, and so why wouldn’t she obviously know how to solve this same problem?
But these women will never know how to solve the problem. Men fight- they also lead. Women gather- they also follow. By inverting and subverting their roles, where the men have abandoned and been driven from their natural roles and women put in charge, their society has become vulnerable to attack and incapable of defending itself against a society like those in the Islamic world which in spite of their many horrors do still maintain and preserve something of the natural gender distinctions between men and women.