France Is Now At War, The French Government Declares A State Of Emergency And Has Now Closed The Border To Prevent Musli...
France Is Now At War, The French Government Declares A State Of Emergency And Has Now Closed The Border To Prevent Musli...

By Theodore Shoebat France is at war. For the first time since the war in Algeria, the state of emergency is decreed in the whole countr...

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The Muslims Who Are Killing People In France Are Literally Slaughtering Hundreds Of People
The Muslims Who Are Killing People In France Are Literally Slaughtering Hundreds Of People

By Theodore Shoebat The Muslims who are killing people in France have already slaughtered 118 people in the Bataclan theater alone, as p...

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WAR IN PARIS: Confirmed Muslim Terrorists. Watch And Hear The Chaos And Gunshots In Paris As Muslim Terrorist Attack
WAR IN PARIS: Confirmed Muslim Terrorists. Watch And Hear The Chaos And Gunshots In Paris As Muslim Terrorist Attack

By Walid Shoebat Paris today looks like the movie The Siege. Sounds of AK47s and grenades were heard and reports of explosive belts caus...

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TODDLER TERRORIST-IN-TRAINING, brandishing a knife, is taught how to stab a Jew to death
TODDLER TERRORIST-IN-TRAINING, brandishing a knife, is taught how to stab a Jew to death

By BI: Just think, in a few months, he’ll be ready to join ISIS. -- Delivered by Feed43 service

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Watch Amazing Videos Of God’s Vengeance By The Hand Of Russia Raining Down Fire And Brimstone On Muslim Terrorists
Watch Amazing Videos Of God’s Vengeance By The Hand Of Russia Raining Down Fire And Brimstone On Muslim Terrorists

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Photo of the phosphorous bombs in the northwestern province of Idlib, Syria from last night Novemb...

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GERMAN Gestapo plans to make it compulsory for young people to perform menial labor jobs to take care of the swarms of M...
GERMAN Gestapo plans to make it compulsory for young people to perform menial labor jobs to take care of the swarms of M...

By BI: In other words, high school graduates will be forced to become janitors and maids for Muslim so-called ‘refugees’ who have already...

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