Controversial TTIP Deal Is So Secret That EU Politicians Can Only Read It In A Secret Room
Controversial TTIP Deal Is So Secret That EU Politicians Can Only Read It In A Secret Room

The controversial set of trade regulations known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership has been shrouded in secrecy since t...

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FRANCE: Gee, I wonder who would crash their cars at full speed through a cow pasture, breaking the legs of several cows,...
FRANCE: Gee, I wonder who would crash their cars at full speed through a cow pasture, breaking the legs of several cows,...

By BI: Well, we wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions, but this barbaric act took place in the area of Haute Saone, a town that is on the ...

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GOTTA LOVE THE CZECHS for the bold ‘in-your-face’ way they have of expressing their disdain for Islam
GOTTA LOVE THE CZECHS for the bold ‘in-your-face’ way they have of expressing their disdain for Islam

BY BI: PRAGUE: The followers of the ‘We Do Not Want Islam in the Czech Republic’ and the ‘Bloc Against Islam’ groups installed statues of...

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SWEDEN: Photo of what appears to be a beheading victim in IKEA indicates that the asylum seeking knife attackers were li...
SWEDEN: Photo of what appears to be a beheading victim in IKEA indicates that the asylum seeking knife attackers were li...

By BI: The Swedish government and media are doing their best to conceal any evidence that the Eritrean knife attackers who killed two peo...

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25,000 Indian Farmers Threatening Mass Suicide After Government Destroyed Land
25,000 Indian Farmers Threatening Mass Suicide After Government Destroyed Land

This weekend, roughly 25,000 farmers in Mathura, India are threatening a mass suicide if the government does not compensate them for destroy...

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