The Ugly Details Of WW2 That You Never Hear About
The Ugly Details Of WW2 That You Never Hear About

By Theodore Shoebat There are the aspects of WW2 that we all hear about: The United States defeating the Nazis, the Soviets uniting with t...

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Michael Voris Is Now Working With A Fascist, Steve Bannon
Michael Voris Is Now Working With A Fascist, Steve Bannon

Years ago, Michael Voris started working with an advocate for pederasty named Milo Yiannopoulos, and today he is working with a fascist nam...

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Spain's Canaries Volcano Lava Bigger Than 25 Football Pitches; Raises Concerns
Spain's Canaries Volcano Lava Bigger Than 25 Football Pitches; Raises Concerns

Lava flow from Cumbre Vieja volcano falls into the Atlantic Ocean on the Canary island of La Palma. Las Palmas, Spain: Lava from the er...

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On North Korea, Joe Biden's "No Urgency" Policy Differs From Trump, Obama
On North Korea, Joe Biden's "No Urgency" Policy Differs From Trump, Obama

Joe Biden administration has repeatedly said it is willing to resume talks with North Korea. Washington: During their only meeting, Bar...

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Iran To Set Date In "Weeks" To Return To Nuclear Talks "With Friends In Europe"
Iran To Set Date In "Weeks" To Return To Nuclear Talks "With Friends In Europe"

Iran's new government will decide on nuclear talks in Vienna in a few weeks, spokesman said. Tehran: Iran's new government will...

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European Union, Australia Trade Talks Postponed Amid Submarine Row
European Union, Australia Trade Talks Postponed Amid Submarine Row

Submarine Row: Australia-EU free trade talks have been postponed, official said. (File) Sydney: A long-planned round of Australia-EU fr...

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