In The Year 2016, 90,000 Christians Were Butchered
In The Year 2016, 90,000 Christians Were Butchered

According to a recent study, in the year 2016 alone, 90,000 Christians have been killed. As we read in a report:Christians continue to be the most persecuted believers in the world with over 90,000 followers of Christ being killed in the last ye…

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Muslim Terrorist Dresses Up As Santa Claus And Shoots And Kills Thirty
Five People
Muslim Terrorist Dresses Up As Santa Claus And Shoots And Kills Thirty Five People

Picture of the shooting aftermath A Muslim terrorist in Turkey, dressed up as Santa Claus, shot and murdered thirty five people. According to one report:A gunman has reportedly opened fire inside a nightclub in Istanbul during New Year's Eve cel…

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'We Promise You Bloodshed And Death You Disbelieving Dogs' ISIS
Releases New Year's Message, Promises Death And Destruction
'We Promise You Bloodshed And Death You Disbelieving Dogs' ISIS Releases New Year's Message, Promises Death And Destruction

Following the Christmas market attacks in Germany, ISIS has just released a new message promising death and bloodshed this New Year's Eve:ISIS supporters are reportedly calling on radicals to commit lone wolf attacks over the New Year as they vo…

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British Man Puts Bacon On Mosque, He Gets 12 Months In Jail And Then He
British Man Puts Bacon On Mosque, He Gets 12 Months In Jail And Then He Mysteriously "Dies" While In Prison

Kevin Crehan received  a year in jail for putting bacon on the door handles to a mosque. Halfway through his sentence, he was mysteriously "found dead" in his jail cell and the British Police are not releasing any more details why:A man jailed a…

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Famous Musician Shows Off Blood Stained Room With Strange Signs Where
She Makes Sacrifices To Demons
Famous Musician Shows Off Blood Stained Room With Strange Signs Where She Makes Sacrifices To Demons

In a shocking video posted to her Instagram account, American Rapper Azealia Banks showed off a blood stained closet where she practices brujeria- witchcraft- and talking about how it was literally three years worth of blood on the floor. In her…

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Muslim Terrorists Butcher Eight Hundred And Eight People, Pillage Fifty
Three Villages, And Destroy Sixteen Churches
Muslim Terrorists Butcher Eight Hundred And Eight People, Pillage Fifty Three Villages, And Destroy Sixteen Churches

By Theodore Shoebat The Catholic Church in Nigeria has confirmed that Islamic terrorists in the Southern Kaduna region have butchered eight hundred and eight people, pillaged fifty three villages and destroyed sixteen churches. As we read in one…

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Turkish Muslim Nationalists Put Gun On The Head Of A Man Dressed As
Santa Claus To Declare Their War On Christmas
Turkish Muslim Nationalists Put Gun On The Head Of A Man Dressed As Santa Claus To Declare Their War On Christmas

Turkish Muslim nationalists put a gun on the head of a man dressed as Santa to declare their war on Christmas. According to one report:A group of men from the youth group of the ultranationalist Alperen Hearts protested Christmas and New Year’s …

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Obama Administration Has Epic Meltdown, Says That America Did Not
Participate in Creating ISIS And That Turkey Is Spreading
Obama Administration Has Epic Meltdown, Says That America Did Not Participate in Creating ISIS And That Turkey Is Spreading "Fake News"

There are a lot of things that are wrong with Turkey, but as the saying goes, "even a broken clock is right twice a day."Turkey has publicly admitted what we at Shoebat.com have been documenting for a long time now- that the USA created ISIS as …

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Major ISIS Leader Sets Up Meeting With Christian TV Host Planning To
Slaughter Him, The Host Witnesses The Gospel To Him And He Leaves Islam
And Is Now A Christian
Major ISIS Leader Sets Up Meeting With Christian TV Host Planning To Slaughter Him, The Host Witnesses The Gospel To Him And He Leaves Islam And Is Now A Christian

A major leader for ISIS was looking to make a high-profile murder of a famous Christian TV ministry host. He claimed to be interested in learning about Christianity and wanted to meet the host so he could kill him. Instead, he ended up getting c…

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Obama Has Been Playing The Race Card Since He Became President, Israel
Needs To Play The Same Policy!
Obama Has Been Playing The Race Card Since He Became President, Israel Needs To Play The Same Policy!

Keith DaviesPolitical CorrespondentPresident Obama has shown to the American people his true colors and at the earliest political opportunity has proceeded to present his Arab brothers their political victory at the U.N. The earliest political j…

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Islamic Terrorists Enter Into The Home Of A Muslim Woman, Murder Her
Father And Then Rape Her For Two Days, She Then Hears About Christ,
Raises Her Hands In The Air And Cries Out:
Islamic Terrorists Enter Into The Home Of A Muslim Woman, Murder Her Father And Then Rape Her For Two Days, She Then Hears About Christ, Raises Her Hands In The Air And Cries Out: "Lord, I Accept You And Surrender Myself Totally To You; Please Pick Me Up From My Sufferings"

Islamic terrorists, belonging to ISIS, entered the home of a Muslim woman, murdered her father, a military officer, and then preceded to rape her for two days. When she heard about Christ, she lifted her hands in the air and cried out: 'Lord, I …

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Romanian Social Democrats Nominate Muslim Woman For PM, Romanian
President Responds 'No- You Will Pick Somebody Else And That Is Final'
Romanian Social Democrats Nominate Muslim Woman For PM, Romanian President Responds 'No- You Will Pick Somebody Else And That Is Final'

In a surprising turn of events, the President of Romania has rejected a Muslim woman that the Social Democrats chose for Prime Minister. His words- 'pick somebody else':If this were in Western Europe or America, the cries for hate speech would b…

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Brave Team Of Christians Rescues Hundreds Of Persecuted Christians From
Islamic Enslavement
Brave Team Of Christians Rescues Hundreds Of Persecuted Christians From Islamic Enslavement

By Rescue Christians Christians and Jews, when they see the vanished culture of the ancient Egyptian empire and their  pyramids immediately their minds are reminded of the story of the Holy Bible which tells us about the persecution and hard li…

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Muslims Attack Christians Celebrating Christmas, Beat A Single Mother
And Destroy Her Home While Shouting 'This Village Is Not For Christians
But For Allah'
Muslims Attack Christians Celebrating Christmas, Beat A Single Mother And Destroy Her Home While Shouting 'This Village Is Not For Christians But For Allah'

In a horrible attack on Christmas Day, 19 Muslim marauders attacked Christians at church. They beat a single mother and destroyed her home while shouting that their village is 'not for Christians but for Allah':Muslims in eastern Uganda beat Chr…

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While ISIS
While ISIS "Rebels" Slaughter Christians, Syrian President Asad Visits Christians And Celebrates Christmas With Them At A Monastery

With all of the death and horrible violence that Muslim terrorists have visited on Christians in Syria, it is wonderful news to report that President Asad of Syria- a Muslim who the US Government and her "allies" denounced as an evil man and tri…

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Pope Frances Declares That Now There Is More Persecution Against
Christians Than There Was In The Early Church
Pope Frances Declares That Now There Is More Persecution Against Christians Than There Was In The Early Church

Pope Frances recently declared that now there is more persecution against Christians than there was in the days of the early Church. Take into account the persecutions being done by ISIS and other Islamic fundamentalists, North Korea and other c…

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Study Shows That Thirty Eight Percent Of American Evangelicals Support
Assisted Suicide
Study Shows That Thirty Eight Percent Of American Evangelicals Support Assisted Suicide

A new study shows that thirty eight percent of American Evangelicals support assisted suicide. Its no wonder that Colorado recently legalized assisted suicide. Eric Metaxes just wrote an article on this very dark reality:If it's right to oppose …

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Major Political Organizations Are Working To Get Governments To
Slaughter Migrants In Europe
Major Political Organizations Are Working To Get Governments To Slaughter Migrants In Europe

Major political organizations are working to get governments to slaughter migrants and Jews. It is part of a major conspiracy, consisting of networks and circles of political activists and funders, and it using the internet to propagate Nazi, so…

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